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Chris & Alexis | Spring Stone Mill Inn Wedding

May 10, 2021

It’s officially wedding season and we loved kicking off 2021 at The Stone Mill Inn in Hellam!! Chris and Alexis have had to wait for their being celebration but the time has come and we had an amazing time! When we think about the Mill, my favorite thing about the venue is the blend of beautiful gardens and historic architecture. The landscaping and natural elements are fantastic and this season was one for the record books, if you love spring blooms – get ready, it is stunning!

For this couple, they had to wait over a year for their celebration and when it did happen it was fantastic. when plans change it is very hard, but in life sometimes the change is beautiful in the end, and when we can have a celebration and meet a milestone it’s even better than we could have ever imagined.

This spring wedding was gorgeous and full of so much love and celebration! Cheers to the new Mr. & Mrs.!